The purpose of higher education, is to have more opportunities in life and be more politically involved. That is one of the reasons I decided to go to college. The reason why I want opportunities in life is because I grew up in a household where my family and I have lived paycheck to paycheck. There were times where we did and still don't have enough money at times to pay our rent or PG&E bill. We have had little to no money to eat sometimes, but we have always managed to pull through, but it's a hassle and extremely stressful. That is what the average life of an uneducated person looks like. Not only that but many uneducated people are exploited, because we are needy, we are taken advantage of because you can see the disparity in your humbleness. On top of that we don't know better. We are naïve of the help and services that are offered to workers. So, for that reason I want to have a well rounded education, by going to college I will achieve that. I believe that I may possibly be a better citizen do to my education. Thanks to my education I hope to be more politically informed and aware. I hope to make a decent living where I can live in peace without worry of getting evicted, being able to spoil myself every once and a while. I would think that in the course of spoiling myself with some luxurious purchase I would be contributing to the economy by paying taxes, therefore making me a better citizen. Basically I would have more money to spend because I went to school and have a career I wanted, and it pays better than most jobs.
An educated public is needed for a strong democratic society because, if the public is educated they can make more logical requests. They have a better understanding of how the system works, the system can very well be corrupted but if you aren't educated you won't know you are simply a puppet voting on reforms you have little to no understanding of. However that doesn't matter because you'll be brain washed to make the decision your government wants you to make.
A public higher education is attainable by all American's it is just up to the individual. We all go through hardships and the main reason many of us look at higher education as an answer is because we want out of the system, the circle of poverty, it is for self improvement. However one can argue that it is not attainable because tuition costs have gone up significantly making it hard to possibly juggle a job and a family with the expenses of education on top of that. But really sit back and look at the bigger picture, you have lived through hell for a while. So, why not push through it and go to school, receive yourself with a degree or a certificate, give yourself the opportunity that you deserve. Set an example that even though life is tough you can persevere, and shine. It may be a little or a whole lot more difficult today but look forward and think of the possibilities.
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