Friday, September 23, 2016

KW Exercise 5.2

It is quite safe to say that everyone has different versions of himself or herself. People are constantly adapting to different environments and other people. Whether it’s acting professional with your boss or acting casual with your friends, people feel the need to act in a way that is explained through “the looking glass” and “the generalized other”. Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley explains that the concept of the looking-glass self is that “we perceive ourselves based on how we think others see us”.
When I work in a group I tend to stay on top of the work and be punctual and on schedule. However, when it's only myself I procrastinate because it's my grade I am earning. I am not jeopardizing anyone else. In a group I try to set myself out there so that the groups trusts me and sees that I am worthy, because if there is mistrust and doubt that one of us won't pull through I would kick them out of the group. That is the main reason I look for acceptance. My behavior of assumptions is what Cooley’s looking glass self demonstrates and that is that our “actions and behaviors are reactions to our interpretations of the people, objects, and situations we encounter". I assume that if there is no trust I will be kicked out the group because I would do that. I also feel that I have to deliver 100% because it is my grade but it is all of our grade and I don't want to screw someone over, so I wouldn't want them to ruin it either.

Another Sociologist, George Herbert Mead, explains the concept of “The Generalized Other” as how develop our individual personalities through social experiences. For example, I like to wear makeup on days where I am out with my friends. When I am wearing makeup, I feel more confident and know that I am the best-looking version of myself. However, when I’m not wearing makeup, I constantly think that people are looking at me because I’m ugly. I don’t have the smoothest or clearest skin and when people stare at me, I think they are thinking how unattractive I am because of my acne. My personality is not much different when I’m wearing and not wearing makeup. With a full face of makeup on, I’m a bit more confident and outgoing. However, with no makeup on, I’m a lot more "real" because I don't wear make up daily therefore, tend to be to myself. I sometimes feel more self-conscious when socializing with others and not wearing makeup because, I just assume they don’t want to be near me. Writing this essay made me realize how much I just assume people thought of me. However as I grow older, I tend to not care of what others think of me and I now have the freedom to find myself.

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