Wednesday, November 16, 2016

H- Harris, India's Sacred Cow (461-469)

The sacred cow of India is a big thing for the people that live in India. It is one of the most sacred animals that live amongst the people. A photographer visiting India captured pictures of bony people that were starving nearly to death while they saw cows around them eating fruits and vegetables being sold by people in the market place. This shows how much their religion means to them. They would rather starve to death than to kill a cow and feed themselves. The cows will rummage through the city, eating all of the fresh fruits and vegetables in the market place while the people living on the street have to starve because of lack of money to buy food or clothing. I think this says a lot about how much we as humans take for granted. We take being fed every day and having clothes to wear for granted while other people in different countries do not have clothes, let alone food to feed themselves or their hungry families. This chapter has made me realize how much I take for granted, the things that I have or use in my everyday life. It makes me realize how blessed I am to to have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a loving family.

Monday, November 14, 2016

H- Gracey, Kindergarten As Academic Boot Camp (446-460)

In this article, a question was posed. “How do you react to the idea that the essence of the educational institution is training into conformity?” What can I say about that, well I guess it would be to an extent because it does mirror the real world. In school you have to follow the rules set by the administrator vice versa in real life, you have to follow the rules set by the law of the land (Constitution) and those set by the State you live in. There are consequences for breaking either although I think there are more rewards for good behavior in school than there are in the real world. There is also the uniforms, which are very military like. The school lunches very much to what you can get in the galley on base. There is a set schedule for everything as we go to school and boot camp in the military is the same. You rest when you are told and children have recess when they are told. In school we are expected to do our homework and learn certain subjects without questioning our figure of authority, which is the same as conducting drills without questioning your COC or Sgt. These, are examples of how schools train kids to conform; it’s there to help them get ready for the real world.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

KW Exercise 11.4

1.Do you agree with this opinion?

If its the one made by the courts then yes. “The government may not coerce anyone to support or participate in religion or its exercise or otherwise act in a way that establishes a state religion or religious faith or tends to do so.” It is better off to stay on the opposite end or neutral side to show that government will follow the principles laid by the law of the land.

2. To put it plainly, a Symbolic Interactionist would say that the prayers said before each
class and in other school activities is a way that school officials of that particular school promote their religious beliefs on the students. I never saw that saying prayers before a football game as a bad thing but one might observe a team doing so and say, “…..So..does that mean they believe that a higher being is supposed to or is going to help them win this game? I thought this was a sport where individuals with a different set of skills come together as a team to compete and possibly win?”. Throwback to the Crusaders of the past.

3. Conflict Theorists would say that the courts decision was right in the fact that it holds steadfast to their core theory. That the social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity

Friday, October 28, 2016

KW Exercise 9.6

I decided to go to Toys R Us. The store is massive and there is a clear layout of tons of rows sectioned off into girl and boy toys. Being in there was like being in Santa’s Toy shop. Everything and anything a child can wish for.

The toys for boys had the nerf guns and all the vehicles; fire trucks, monster trucks, hot wheels. They had all the super hero action figures (dolls). There were Call of Duty and Starwars toys. In darker colors with red and blue and neon colors.

The toys for girls were all mostly pink and pastel colors like lavender and yellow, brown and white. There were Barbie dolls, baby dolls, toy kitchens, tea sets and crafting things for jewelry. Makeup sets and hospital things for like playing nurse.
The major description that is used to market to children is primarily the color.

Most of the toys seemed to have an image of the sex it was directed to but the color also influenced on that.
The toy I decided to select was Mega Bloks, they were easy to find because they were in the toddler section where there are usually gender-neutral toys. I guess someone could argue that it is for boys but really there are no picture and in my opinion the colors are neutral.
The toys are a means to teach children to act in a certain manner. Most of the toys for boys teach them to be tough and manly (aggressive) or heroic. Some of them are teaching you to become a fireman or police man. In a subconscious level they are teaching you that violence is okay. The racecar games teach boys that one should be fast. That for males everything is a competition. The action figures or dolls in my opinion have a physique and ruggedness to what a male should look like muscular and strong, not to pretty. For girls the toys teach them to be into physical beauty and appearance. All the toys for girls are emphasizing on care taking skills. Like taking care of children, cooking and cleaning. Toys are a means to gender socialization sticking to norms of stereo typical gender roles. Like we discussed in class how men are doctors and women are nurses (submissive behavior). Women are under the supervision and taking orders from a male.

Friday, October 21, 2016

KW Exercise 8.8

As I was growing up my parents never discussed racial issues. We actually began discussing about racial issues when I became aware about them. Probably when I was about 12 years old or so. We would make racial jokes like my brothers and I. My parents would not tolerate that type of behavior. When we did speak about racial issues it had to do a lot with immigration laws and mistreatment of those who were colored. My parents did not raise us to bad talk on those who are different than us. They definitely did not talk about color blindness, well they did and didn’t. Like when we were younger and oblivious to the world they did, they told us we were all the same and equal. We were unaware of the differences of how people were treated. Then came a point where we grew up and saw the world for what it really is, (never knew exactly when I saw the world through a different lens, not the lens of a child’s colorful world).
I remember there was a time where field workers were getting treated like animals if not worst and my parents went to some protest down in Southern California, I also remember that they would talk about how police officers would do racial profiling. Being a Latina, I have experienced a few racial comments within the last couple years. I remember that one time we were at the grocery store and my mom was paying. The cashier told her aloud the amount that was due and she was all confused, I just stood there telling her in Spanish. There was a white couple behind us talking about how we were taking to long and how dumb my people were, and how we should shop at our markets not there's. I was so enraged I wanted to turn around and cuss her out or something maybe punch her in the throat. I didn't. But once we paid I kindly turned around and told her to have a nice day in English and she was baffled, I smiled greatly and walked away, but that was painful.
I've heard people call my dad a wet back because he was working on our yard, right outside of our own home. People are so harsh, and I hate that race and ethnicity are just socially constructed I can't believe or begin to understand why? I do understand I just wish that things were different that we were united. But lets face it racism will forever stain our soil. although we are no better than each other, some were simply more privileged than others.
I appreciate from one point of view that my parents sheltered us from racisim when we were younger because we weren't forced to grow up in that way sooner. I also appreciate that they didn't infuse us with hatred or anger towards a group of people. And that they raised us to be proud of who we are and where we came from.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

KW Exercise 7.2

The video on talks about how unaware members of society think wealth is distributed. What we think the nations distribution looks like is in a a way, ideal. We don’t realize that our nations poverty line and distribution between classes is actually much, much worse than what we think it is. We essentially believe that our nation is equal, but some people just have it better than us. The Elite or top 1% of  the population own 40% of the nations revenue/wealth. While the other 60% the wealth is distributed amongst the other social classes.
The video enraged me because of how the elite make more money because of the power they have and how the hard working class are paid crap salaries. The elite make this insane amount of money, 380 times more an hour to be exact compared to the average middle class person.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

H- If Hitler Asked You...(pg 269-276)

In this section Milgram's theory was that Americans were less obedient than the Germans. The theme that was running through this section was that we follow orders from an authoritative figure regardless of weather we want to do it or not. When I read that I couldn't help but laugh because it is true, I find myself doing this assignment even though I am extremely tired. I would very much prefer to sleep and watch some Netflix (helps me knock out faster). Anyways Milgram even asked a group of 100 to make a prediction as to when the subjects would "break". To his surprise he got extremely different results 65% went all the way through with the highest voltage, the conclusion to this was that as long as you're being told to keep going by an authoritative figure that seemed legit you would continue. The other alarming thing that he came across was that the location of the experiment matter the subjects at 65% conducted the experiment at Yale University they had a much higher obedience percentage than the experiment done at Bridgeport coming in at 45% for obedience.

This chapter made me realize that although I would like to believe that I wouldn’t shock the individual on the other side of the room, I would most likely go through with it. What really hit me was when I read, “The man in the electric chair is helpless, strapped in. But the naïve subject is free to go.” Shows to me that we become and are incapable of making our own decisions, probably why we have norms. Formal and informal norms.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

KW Exercise 6.2

I was greeted at the bookstore, the chic behind the counter asked how I was doing and I hesitated. I felt pressured to say that I was fine, like I typically do. However, because of this social experiment I decided to say what was really on my mind. I told her my day was terrible, that I had just gotten into a terrible argument with my mother because she drinks too much. Her face literally read WTF?! Confusion is what I saw in her face. Many of those who I either approached and started a conversation and was open about how my day truly was going, seemed in shock and confused, probably thought I was crazy too. One asked why I was telling them personal information; he said, “I don’t even know you”.  I just thought believe me bro, this is awkward for me to. There was a point when I was talking to a girl and she actually listened and comforted me and opened up to me, I was in shock. I felt relieved that someone could relate to me but the fact that we were complete strangers made that moment special. After doing this experiment I have learned that, as a society, we never truly express how we really feel, especially while being in public with strangers. I think it has become this way out of being fearful. Our society is so worried about what others will think of us; we do not ever show whom we really are or how we really feel. Most of us do this even with members of our own family and close friends. I do not know if we really even have an idea of who we really are. From the time that we are born, we learned to put on these different acts so much that it is hard for many people to know their individual self.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

H- The Presentation of the Self in Everyday Life (pg 135-146)

Goffman explains how face-to-face interactions have a significance in socialization. He sets the idea that socialization is much like a theatrical performance. We have a variety of roles, the world is our stage and the audience is those around us. Since we constantly feel like we are being watched, there is a sense of having to impress. We try to impress or be impressed because we are trying not to embarrass ourselves. The way we act is influenced by what we are wearing who our audience is where we are and what is expected of us.

Monday, September 26, 2016

H- Extreme Isolation (pg 151-158)

I remember that in class we talked about what made us human. The professor talked about having the biological aspects of being human but what about acting human. 
This is very true, take the movie Tarzan for example (even though it's fiction) he grew up interacting with the gorillas. When he first saw Jane he was confused, did not know what to think or how to interact with her. Tarzan was adopted into his society even though he still didn't belong through the biological aspect. He belonged because he took up their (gorilla) customs. Tarzan later learned how to be human. Learning how to walk properly and dress etc. Very much like Anna and Isabelle he was isolated from human interaction and socialization. 

We are said to be social creatures therefore, socialization is vital for our development and success. I really felt for Anna. She was so young, it was unfortunate that she died so young, I wonder what the reason for her death was. The theory was that she hadn't developed quite as fast in comparison to Isabelle but it was later revealed that her mother had some type of learning disability which could have been congenital.

There was something that stated that she was still within the age of "plasticity", which I imagine made it easier for her to learn all though not as they wished. In Isabelle's case she excelled and was able to grasp onto language forming sentences and asking complex question. I believe she was able to do this within a 9 month period of first learning to speak.  

Overall my take away is that human socialization is key to development. This is reinforced in my Human Development class because in the early stages of acquiring language. The specific period that is important begins since birth. I realize how at the beginning of the semester we did the Ven-Diagrams showing how Sociology, Psychology, economics and history play major roles in society. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

KW Exercise 5.2

It is quite safe to say that everyone has different versions of himself or herself. People are constantly adapting to different environments and other people. Whether it’s acting professional with your boss or acting casual with your friends, people feel the need to act in a way that is explained through “the looking glass” and “the generalized other”. Sociologist Charles Horton Cooley explains that the concept of the looking-glass self is that “we perceive ourselves based on how we think others see us”.
When I work in a group I tend to stay on top of the work and be punctual and on schedule. However, when it's only myself I procrastinate because it's my grade I am earning. I am not jeopardizing anyone else. In a group I try to set myself out there so that the groups trusts me and sees that I am worthy, because if there is mistrust and doubt that one of us won't pull through I would kick them out of the group. That is the main reason I look for acceptance. My behavior of assumptions is what Cooley’s looking glass self demonstrates and that is that our “actions and behaviors are reactions to our interpretations of the people, objects, and situations we encounter". I assume that if there is no trust I will be kicked out the group because I would do that. I also feel that I have to deliver 100% because it is my grade but it is all of our grade and I don't want to screw someone over, so I wouldn't want them to ruin it either.

Another Sociologist, George Herbert Mead, explains the concept of “The Generalized Other” as how develop our individual personalities through social experiences. For example, I like to wear makeup on days where I am out with my friends. When I am wearing makeup, I feel more confident and know that I am the best-looking version of myself. However, when I’m not wearing makeup, I constantly think that people are looking at me because I’m ugly. I don’t have the smoothest or clearest skin and when people stare at me, I think they are thinking how unattractive I am because of my acne. My personality is not much different when I’m wearing and not wearing makeup. With a full face of makeup on, I’m a bit more confident and outgoing. However, with no makeup on, I’m a lot more "real" because I don't wear make up daily therefore, tend to be to myself. I sometimes feel more self-conscious when socializing with others and not wearing makeup because, I just assume they don’t want to be near me. Writing this essay made me realize how much I just assume people thought of me. However as I grow older, I tend to not care of what others think of me and I now have the freedom to find myself.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

OS Chapter 5: Socialization

Theories of Self-Development 5.1

Explain why it’s important to conduct research using both male and female participants. What sociological topics might show gender differences? Provide some examples to illustrate your ideas.
·       We are all different therefore think differently. I think that sex would be a sociological topic that most definitely shows gender differences. An example would be of how many sexual partners one can have before being labeled a slut. Alternatively, how only women and looked down on when they have multiple sexual partners. However somehow it is perfectly fine for men to do so. Salary is also another sociological topic with gender differences, how typically men get paid more than women.

Why Socialization Matters 5.2
Why are twin studies an important way to learn about the relative effects of genetics and socialization on children? What questions about human development do you believe twin studies are best for answering? For what types of questions would twin studies not be as helpful?
·       Twin studies are important because it is a clear way to test weather nature or nurture have a greater effect on who we are. As they stated in the section twins that were separated at birth were studied because they clearly had the same genetic material (DNA). Therefore, the studies may show differences that could have been influenced by their upbringings (nurture).
·       I believe that some of the questions that can be answered about human development with twin studies are:
o   Questions about personality, behavior, attitude and physical traits.
·       I believe that the twin studies wouldn’t be great to answer:
o   Nature vs Nurture because there are different type of twins. Identical and fraternal twins.

Agents of Socialization 5.3
Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is gender a topic better left for later? How do parents consider gender norms when buying their children books, movies, and toys? How do you believe they should consider it?
·       I personally don’t think it is important for parents to discuss gender roles with their kids at a young age. They will start doing this since birth by dressing them in certain clothes and colors. However from sociological point of view I guess parents would want to do this because of the stigma that gender roles have in our society.
·       Parents consider gender norms when making purchases for their children by taking into consideration what is going on in the media. An example to that is; advertisement that is designated to a specific gender. They are also predisposed to a set of expectations as to what the toys, clothes or books should be like depending upon the child’s sex
·       I believe that they should consider buying toys and clothes by choosing what is most beneficial. If not perhaps what the child likes. I think that even though we have a certain way of going through things it is important to realize that we are individuals and we are not the same. Yes we may seem to be the sameor similar but that is only because we have learned to conform and be what society wants us to be.


Socialization Across the Life Course 5.4
Consider a person who is joining a sorority or fraternity, attending college or boarding school, or even a child beginning kindergarten. How is the process the student goes through a form of socialization? What new cultural behaviors must the student adapt to?

·       The process that students go through is a form of socialization because they are being introduced to a new group of individuals. They are being re-socialized because they have to leave their old habits and acquire the new ones which are part of the new group. The students must adapt to having an authoritative figure, performing tasks and getting along with peers.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Required Entry: Writing Like Henslin

The Nacirema culture also has women who change their normal appearance to look presentable. These women use a variety of tools and products to reshape their face. They color their face and pat it sometimes seem to hit their face. The tools they use have different shapes and textures they have bristles. Some bristles are rough others are soft. They come in different colors and designs. Women are so devoted to reshaping their face that they do it everyday. Some go to the extent of making some of it permanent. Permanent by using color and blades on their hair on their face. Reshaping of the face is so popular that, women pay big bucks to have this done to them. [Make up, Microblading (eyebrows)]

Sunday, September 18, 2016

KW Exercise 4.1

  1. The first thing that I would teach my classmate who is new to United States would be manners and how to speak. It's important to know how to address someone. You will want to talk to different people in different ways. Example, you will want to know the slang we use in America but you do not want to call your professor "Homie". You want to know that when someone says. "what's good" you know they mean, what's up or how you're doing. For clothing you can wear anything you would like as long as it’s covering your privates although, for girls it seems to be a trend to make nipples visible through tops, simply going braless. There are trends in America that we tend to follow and for the most part, if you are not dressed in the trend you stand out and look like an odd ball and are made fun of. We mainly try to fit in by wearing what the majority is wearing especially if we want to belong to an individual group not necessarily a gang. I would then tell them of the variety of food and cuisines we have such as; sushi, pizza, burgers, hot dogs, ice cream and Mexican, Italian, Chinese, and Thai cuisine. In addition, how we Americans love fast food chain restaurants, I would tell them of the hot places to go out to, so that they can see where all the people our age tend to eat out. Explain to them how it is socially unacceptable to not love hot dogs, burgers, pizza and sweets in America. As for music I would introduce them to the variety of music we have dating from oldies, to R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap both main stream and underground. I would advise them to go out to music festivals to experience the energy from crowds and the lively night. I would explain to them how all of our music has an underlying message that can be decrypted from the lyrics of said songs. However, really tell them not to worry about what they listen to. Television would be extremely helpful to someone new in the United States because they become exposed to real world news and reality T.V and can have a basic understanding of what we Americans like to watch. I would explain to the real world problems along with worldwide problems being broadcasted through T.V on the news. Then on the other hand, you have reality shows where you can see the life of others and see drama filled lives. I would tell them of places they will like to go to for fun and hanging out to socialize such as popular coffee shops, smoke shops, movies, shopping centers, and places out of town and within the town itself. Speaking of places that they would like to visit I would tell them of places to stay away, cities, and towns to visit such as Fresno and Oakland in our case.

  2. One of the norms in our society is to say hello and smile at people. As well as asking how they are doing. In our society if you don't like fast food you aren't normal. Another norm and value is to show respect to elders. We value modesty that can be expressed through clothing but it may seem conflicting depending upon trends. The major norm and value is fitting in. Music is also a norm we tend to listen to more rap and Hip-Hop, in a sense we identify through our music and are influenced by it. We also value diversity.
  3. As I look at the list of norms and values of our American society, I realize that it is mostly focused on the norms. What is the “normal” thing to do? What do I do to fit in? It is almost never about the values we have. We listen to the music we hear others listening to or music of our preference but never get influenced by a value we have. We do not dress a certain way to represent our values, most of the time we dress according to what other people are wearing; again, to what the “norm” is. We do, however some values in our society that we are have expected to have. For example, equality, we are expected to be open-minded and be free and equal to one another. We also value change. Change is a major value to have as an American because the United States is so diverse, that you need to get used to change in food, clothes, music, etc. As well as the big changes, that go on in our world like the LGBT community rights. Something we also value a lot is work. We are expected to work hard in school as kids so that when we graduate we can continue working hard for our employers. I believe that our American norms and values vary from person to person but that tells us that we are a diverse society as a whole.
  4. I would first get to know the transfer student to have a better understanding of where they are coming from and to try to help them adapt better to the subculture that is found on our campus, Delta. I would show them around the different buildings and get them acquainted with the staff. We also have many clubs here at Delta so I would show them around when they set up all the booths for the clubs and have them talk to someone who is already involved in the club. This way they can hopefully find a club that they like and be able to make friends that share the sane interests as them. I would also show them nearby places to grab a bite at and some good places to meet up to study at.  

Friday, September 16, 2016

OS Chapter 3: Culture

What is culture 3.1

  • Examine the difference between material and nonmaterial culture in your world. Identify ten objects that are part of your regular cultural experience. For each, then identify what aspects of nonmaterial culture (values and beliefs) that these objects represent. What has this exercise revealed to you about your culture?
  1. Dogs- Are seen as family and used for protection but in other parts of the world they are killed and seen as food.
  2. Cats- Are also seen as family, some call them their fur babies and in other places they will be known as a delicious meal.
  3. School- Schools were designed to educate and give most a brighter future, many take advantage and many don't. If they do it's for the wrong reasons, such as some people at delta some bust their ass of to get somewhere in life others just collect a check.
  4. Cars- Means of transportation excited to have one yet, you have to keep up with maintenance.
  5. Sports- Today sports are very valuable entertainment just look at the salary of some of these players. Many play for sport but then realize they are good and sometimes get (drafted/picked?) from college to sign a contract and go big. They also receive full ride scholarships to go play for certain colleges.
  6. Money- Paper with value. Specific paper to be exact, we have built the belief that it has X amount of value when it is in reality it could be just like any other sheet of paper.
  7. T.V- Motion picture in a box. There is so much crap in there that we love to watch, its pure entertainment aside of all its down falls it has its perks like watching live news and becoming politically involved, spiritual teachings and even educational.
  8. Work- We have set job duties that we have to fulfill but we can have fun and enjoy the moments but not forget our purpose of getting tasks done.
  9. Family-  Family are relatives whom we live with and possibly even have the same DNA. They are people who we can count on for support and guidance.
  10. Religion/ Catholicism- The belief in a Super Human that is all mighty and designed the world so that we can live our lifes. However our world is constantly changing and we have to live our life differently.  
This exercise revealed to me how diverse my culture is and how simple minded we are and how we are much more materialistic. We give things like paper and cars and entertainments much more importance than family and Religion. 

Elements of culture 3.2

  • How do you think your culture would exist if there were no such thing as a social “norm”? Do you think chaos would ensue or relative peace could be kept? Explain.
I think that if there were no such things as norms the world would still be livable and relatively peace. Norms is simply a label on what is right, I believe that somehow norms are just natural, and they would begin to form sooner then later. There will be a need for structure, so that things can be functional and won't get out of control. Rules would form and expectations of behavior and actions will arise. Therefore once again leading to norms, I believe that they are inevitable.


Pop Culture, Subculture, and Cultural Change 3.3

  • What are some examples of cultural lag that are present in your life? Do you think technology affects culture positively or negatively? Explain.

A cultural lag that is present in my life is cellphones. My mom has used a flip phone her entire life or at least a phone with an actual key pad. Now I can not find one for her through our phone carrier so I was forced to get her a smartphone. She can not function that thing if her life depended on it. It is to complex for her. I have this problem with iPhone updates they change things and I became comfortable with the previous setting now I am uncomfortable because I long for familiarity. Childhood development is a cultural lag because studies show that they may not be developing motor skills like they should be. Not only that, but they are also loosing out on a lot of socialization.

I believe that culture is affected by technology in both a positive and negative manner. Technological advances have facilitated life a great deal. Made saving lives easier and communicating faster. However there are down falls where I believe people have become lazy and children development is possibly becoming stunt. They are not developing at the rate they should.

Theoretical Perspectives on Culture 3.4

  • Consider a current social trend that you have witnessed, perhaps situated around family, education, transportation, or finances. For example, many veterans of the Armed Forces, after completing tours of duty in the Middle East, are returning to college rather than entering jobs as veterans as previous generations did. Choose a sociological approach—functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism—to describe, explain, and analyze the social issue you choose. Afterward, determine why you chose the approach you did. Does it suit your own way of thinking? Or did it offer the best method to illuminate the social issue?
A social trend that I have witnessed would be poverty. Many people I know are living within poverty level. The method I would choose to analyze this issue would be conflict theory. I would start off by saying that many of these people are in debt because they sometimes purchase things they can't afford. They do this because they are trying to fit in that is the greatest norm of American Society. They can't afford to sometimes pay their bills, they struggle to put food on the table sometimes even clothes themselves. Even transportation becomes an issue when there's no money for gas. Most of the people who are living in poverty are those who are Hispanic 21% and African American 24% these are the two major groups in regards to race. Single parents are also in poverty and single moms come in at 28% in comparison to 15% of single dads. I believe that the reason for these differences is lack of education and resources or the knowledge of resources. Many of these people live in areas that don't promote education and many of these people also work a job in which they pay minimum wage. They also live in this never ending cycle, where instead of going to school sometimes you think your only option is to start working to help out the family. There are also many of unplanned pregnancies in these racial groups. There is also a very big gradient of power over them, these races tend to be sought out to be the dangerous. They are subjected to being inferior, because they are sometimes deemed to be criminals just because of who they are. The reason why I chose conflict theory was because I actually believe that race and sex play a role on how society views you and how you can succeed in society. I also chose it because it highlighted my main point of how certain races are more prone to being in poverty. It has been statistically proven with studies and through census.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

H- The Sounds of Silence (pg 109-117)

Silence such a powerful thing. Nonverbal communications speak louder than words themselves. As I was reading this section I couldn't help but to agree to everything. There was one thing that made me question the fear of public speaking. There were four zones of space or distance. The first being the most intimate and close in distance and the most vulnerable. Then you work up to the fourth zone in which there is a huge distance and is typical for public speaking. I wondered how we felt threatened and uncomfortable when people violate our personal space yet when we put our selves in front of a group with huge distance we panic (myself included). I thought it was pretty interesting, but of course there are different things to worry about for public speaking. Anyways, I realized that we do have a certain way of going through society with space and it varies from culture to culture as well as country to country. When my grandparents from my father's side visited from Spain they were all into the kisses and hugs and being all in my bubble. The kisses where already to much for me and I began to tense up just like the book described. We tend to become hostile and try to do anything we possibly can to reach our comfort or to set up that barrier of distance again.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

H- Body Ritual Among Nacirema (pg 87-91)

As I am reading the chapter, it is interesting to me how different cultures can be depending on how a certain group’s beliefs are, and depending on their geographic location. Reading through the chapter, I couldn’t help but think back to past stories I’ve read and documentaries I’ve watched on tribes that have been isolated from the rest of the world and us trying to understand their way of life and culture based on their society that they have created and lived in for so long. The Nacirema had “medicine-men” that they would go to be healed and relieved of sicknesses and illnesses, which would be paid off with extravagant gifts. Here in our culture, we go to the doctor for illnesses and pay it off with currency; we believe in medicine, they believe in magic. Culture is simply what your society believes and practices. I remember reading of different African and Asian culture where neck rings are worn to elongate the neck of a woman. Depending on which culture, some women would start as early as 2 years old. In their belief, in their culture, they believe the long neck represents beauty. The women of South Ndebele people of Africa wear their neck rings with tradition dresses as a sign of wealth, although only married women are allowed to wear the rings. In addition, I have heard of different African tribes that stretch their earlobes and/or lips with circular gages made of wood. The larger the display meant more wisdom within their respective tribes. Malinowski’s note at the end of the chapter made me think even more because I cannot help but agree. In the American culture and society, we laugh at the thought that medicine healed because it’s magic. We laugh at the thought of ceremonies and rituals that bring healing, but we fail to understand that there are tribes out there that still perform these acts because it is their culture and they have been doing it for who knows how long. Our civilization with our high-tech gadgets and medicines that have been scientifically proven to heal have made us immune to the thought of magic and the “magic” of belief.

Monday, September 12, 2016


Todays discussion about average really got me thinking. I mean it is no surprise that there is corruption in this world but I was amazed by how easily one can manipulate an outcome by the use of a word.

The story that the professor told us in class about the pollution reducing to nearly ZERO was very insightful and funny. He opened a can of worms that the I believe senator he said didn't know the answer to.

I learned a valuable lesson today, to question what average is because, the average is not the same for everyone and it can persuade you to make a decision that can very well be in your best interest or not. There is a mode, median and mean to average. There is no such thing as simply "average".

Walking Billboards

In one of my classes there are thirty-two students. Eleven are male and the other twenty-one are females. Everyone in the classroom seems to be wearing some type of brand name clothing or foot wear. Myself included. There are a few very popular logos that reappear more than five times. There are definitely brands that are considered "in" or "cool" on our campus here at Delta.

The societal force that is in play here is media. The main trend I see in both genders are literally shoes, everysingle one of us was wearing a major brand name. For example Jordans, Nike, Converse (chucks), and occasional Vans. I wouldn't say there was a difference between races if anything it was really age groups. The faculty is usually much older than us and I don't recognize any of their clothing being branded for that matter. The youth tends to revolve around wearing the latest fashion and looking good and cool. I realize that our culture is greatly influenced by social media and most young individuals like myself are influenced by media as well. Not only that but we always want what others have and if we don't its because we want better. The norms in our society amongst the younger population are sad. You typically get signaled out for not having nice clothes or for simply not fitting in to what we in vision you to look like.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

How are you going to measure hapiness?

You can not measure happiness. Happiness is simply an illusion. We all have a different view point and understanding of certain things in this world. Happiness can be portrayed through various ways and for that reason can not be measured concisely. Happiness is not like math where, two plus two equals four or some people say fish. Those who say fish are being silly. My point is that math is universal and is basically set in stone. Unlike happiness, where some people may have different opinions. For example the birth of a child is the greatest experience anyone can have and it will bring great joy to some but not all. The birth of a child may bring burden and sorrow to others under different circumstances.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


I decided to go to the flea market here in Stockton. The flea market had many tents or carps whatever you want to call them. There were plenty of vendors selling fruits, vegetables, snacks, authentic Mexican food, toys, clothes and accessories. The air was musty and thick and you can feel the warmth of all the people circulating and growing on each other. The smell was not pleasant, there was  a pungent smell from all the food spills and grease on the pavement. It smell rancid. The pavement looked extremely dirty some places it was even sticky as you stepped through. There were a lot of adults and children going through the stands looking around to purchase. Families seemed to be out just to socialize.

For the most part I think that I fit in because I look and am Mexican. There seemed to be about 90% Spanish speaking people, not necessarily Mexican but of Spanish speaking origin. I am certain that my cover was made, I am for the most part very observant but this time that was my sole focus. I got a few ugly looks from others, possibly because I was sort of just there not interacting.

One of the major patterns of interactions I saw was with the adults and children. There were many adults that were accompanied by younger kids. Many of these adults were pretty much on there toes right behind the kids. Making sure that they did not wander off. A few cases where either a male or female adult would call out for a child, "Brandon", you heard. Then there were groups of teenagers it seemed that were just out to have a good time. Many sat down at booths to eat a meal. I could see how they were conversing and having a laugh. One of the major things I saw was how everyone even myself at one point, was connected to an electronic device.

This made me realize how unaware individuals are from their surroundings because we are plugged in to our own world. Parents loosing track of their children. Me on the other hand so called "listening" to my friend when I really wasn't.

The disadvantage of this method of data collection is that you really don't know what is truly going on because one is simply observing. Recording data through the naked eye. We do not know why individuals are going about their actions the way they are doing so. One of the advantages is that being observant makes you less bias and you focus on tangible material. If you do an interview your subjects can easily lie if they don't feel comfortable.

I believe that depending upon what it is I am trying to answer, or what my question is my method of recording data could vary.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Are You a Worker or an Owner?

No doubt in my mind that I was raised by workers. Like Marx's said, there is the dominant. The dominants are the one percent in my eyes. The reason I say I was raised by workers is because my parents have worked for very wealthy people. Marx's theory explains how the owners control the means of production and exploit them and that is exactly what has been done to my parents. They have been exploited by the owners, their bosses. Time and time again. My mother has worked in prestigious restaurants and she didn't get paid, if she did it was crap. The amount of work that they put in is outrageous. Yet you have these owners who are making huge profits not giving a single care in the world about their employees, or should I say slaves. My father has worked in the fields, in a huge pool plastering company and as a trucker. Those jobs are very demanding physically as you could imagine well my father was not allowed to drink water or make a stop at times because he had to work.

I honestly believe that not that many people have developed a class consciousness. I say not many because it seems to be only the educated population. It may be because they are more aware, for example nurses and teachers going on strike for a higher salary. Then we also had the employees of the chain restaurant McDonalds asking for a raise. Just the other day we were talking about how they told a group of workers from the field that their overtime began at 60 hours, these workers know it's not true. What happened? Nothing, no action was taken because they live in fear. Many are aware that basically the world is being controlled by a very small population, yes the all and mighty; one percent. However, we need to help the other workers see the class differences and consciousness. I believe that one way to do so is by taking them back in time and telling them from when this class difference all began. When we the people lost the control we had and handed it to one person to rule us, yes we live in a democracy but do we really? It's like Karl Marx said the owners control our ideas, we are given the idea and belief that we are in control. Example voting for the president, wake up people we are simply putting up a show but the president has long been elected before you even walked up to that poll station. Before your pen touched that ballot, we are puppets the electoral college is in control the congress is in control and the congress is controlled by who, you guessed it the one percent. I think that we honestly have to revolt in a non violent way would be nice. Anyways, I think that the people have to rise as one and drop everything and break the system crash the stock market after all that's all this country is worried and driven by money. Hit them where it'll hurt them. We may think that hard times will come if this occurred. Well it happened before and look at us now. The economy will fix itself but we need to reshape the system by taking power into our own hands. Becoming more politically aware. Changing government officials and putting those we truly want, in office in our office. We have to stop being oppressed, we need to bear arms and take a stand, but the key is; we need to do so together as a whole.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Social Class

August 30, 2016

Question: "Does social class cause the differences or do the differences help determine the social
class to which we will belong? "

It goes both ways. Social class causes the differences sometimes because one may be a child, who has no control of the situation. One could have possibly been brought up in poverty, therefore be predisposed to poverty themselves because it's a cycle. One may have to work instead of going to school because of the need to help out financially. On the other hand you could have been born to a family with a stable income. A family who is educated, who has saved to offer the same opportunity they had. However, our differences, also help determine the social class to which we will belong.
One could possibly want to better themselves and succeed to get out of the social class they find themselves in. One may see the difference between one another. You may tell yourself "I want what she has". You will then strive to be in that social class, whatever that social class may be.

All of the U.S Presidents have been White. Is Obama Really Black?

August 30, 2016

Yesterday, in class we were discussing why all of our presidents in the United States have been white. I though to myself Obama is black. He is not white. I was reading "The Engaged Sociologist", and realized what the professor was trying to point out. Obama was white because of the culture he grew up in along with the society he grew up in as well. He went to Harvard University was well educated and dressed well. It was like the example in the book, we could have lived in another country for a long time and would self identify with our race. Our race being deemed by the idea that certain groups of people look certain ways. Although truly I believe what makes us who we are is in our customs, morals and norms. I was born in the U.S yet identify as Mexican, however if I was to go out of the country I would identify myself as American. I say I am Mexican because both of my parents are from Mexico, I grew up speaking the language and with the customs of Mexicans, but I am also Americanized because I have lived in the U.S I speak the language, have been in the school system and have a predisposition as to what people should act like so if I was told to choose what I am I would choose American. I know for a fact that I think the way of life in Mexico is fairly different and I am so accustomed to the American way of living I would prefer to be known as American, not only that but I am not in close touch with my Mexican roots, I prefer to speak English watch my American shows, yet I prefer Mexican food.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

How is Higher Education Related to Democracy?

The purpose of higher education, is to have more opportunities in life and be more politically involved. That is one of the reasons I decided to go to college. The reason why I want opportunities in life is because I grew up in a household where my family and I have lived paycheck to paycheck.  There were times where we did and still don't have enough money at times to pay our rent or PG&E bill. We have had little to no money to eat sometimes, but we have always managed to pull through, but it's a hassle and extremely stressful. That is what the average life of an uneducated person looks like. Not only that but many uneducated people are exploited, because we are needy, we are taken advantage of because you can see the disparity in your humbleness. On top of that we don't know better. We are naïve of the help and services that are offered to workers. So, for that reason I want to have a well rounded education, by going to college I will achieve that. I believe that I may possibly be a better citizen do to my education. Thanks to my education I hope to be more politically informed and aware. I hope to make a decent living where I can live in peace without worry of getting evicted, being able to spoil myself every once and a while. I would think that in the course of spoiling myself with some luxurious purchase I would be contributing to the economy by paying taxes, therefore making me a better citizen. Basically I would have more money to spend because I went to school and have a career I wanted, and it pays better than most jobs.

An educated public is needed for a strong democratic society because, if the public is educated they can make more logical requests. They have a better understanding of how the system works, the system can very well be corrupted but if you aren't educated you won't know you are simply a puppet voting on reforms you have little to no understanding of. However that doesn't matter because you'll be brain washed to make the decision your government wants you to make.

A public higher education is attainable by all American's it is just up to the individual. We all go through hardships and the main reason many of us look at higher education as an answer is because we want out of the system, the circle of poverty, it is for self improvement. However one can argue that it is not attainable because tuition costs have gone up significantly making it hard to possibly juggle a job and a family with the expenses of education on top of that. But really sit back and look at the bigger picture, you have lived through hell for a while. So, why not push through it and go to school, receive yourself with a degree or a certificate, give yourself the opportunity that you deserve. Set an example that even though life is tough you can persevere, and shine. It may be a little or a whole lot more difficult today but look forward and think of the possibilities.